
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago._ Warren Buffet

Financial Literacy & Financial Inclusion Services

Adoption of digital payments as a daily norm is a culture change that should be deliberately and seamlessly embedded within lifestyles of individuals and businesses. However, individuals would embrace payment patterns different from cash only where the net benefits and utility are well understood and where such alternatives are readily accessible and dispensable like cash.

CCL staunchly believes that the digital lifestyle should be championed among the youth, millennials, start-ups and small businesses towards lubricating, catalysing and expanding the macroeconomy. The simple formula is: ‘Financial Literacy begets Financial Inclusion’. Through customized programs, CCL would collaborate with reputable entities within the Public and Private sectors on a medium to long-term basis, with a view to advancing Financial Literacy and thus motivating ‘Financial Inclusion’. Though not exhaustive, the broad categories that serve as platforms for delivery of these services include the following:

Contextual Constructs Limited service
  • Periodic (minimum – annually) Execution & Delivery of Market Research within critical demographics.
  • Development & Delivery of Curricula for Secondary & Tertiary Institutions, bordering on the essentials of Finance, Savings and the critical role of payments in commerce.
  • Conceptualization and development of illustrative educational materials (physical and digital), substantiated with local content for diverse citizenry groups.
  • Turn-key program management for development of framework, solutioning for enhancement of financial inclusion, convening & organization of essential stakeholders and coordination of post-project review and fine-tuning activities.
  • Development and delivery of strategies for digitization of the value-chain within the Agricultural, Manufacturing & Mining sectors.