About Us

Some people dream of success, while others get up every morning and make it happen._ Wayne Huizenga

About Us

Contextual Constructs Limited (CCL) is a 'value-exchange' and digital payments advisory firm, founded to provide bespoke and world-class specialist services to a broad spectrum of entities, including individuals, small businesses, large corporate organizations, financial technology firms, payment system regulators and government agencies, with the core objective of building payments knowledge capital, accelerating commerce, financial literacy and financial inclusion.

We are advocates of the “Value-Exchange” principle which encompasses commerce and payments, recognizing that all our esteemed clients would surely impart to us new concepts, perspectives, insights and innovativeness, which would only enhance the overall value proposition of solutions constructed for end-users.

Our collaborative engagements with partners leverage four enabling symbolic scaffolds:

  • Synergy
  • Synchronization
  • Structure
  • Symbiosis
Contextual Constructs Limited about


To drive pervasive, best-in-class, in-depth understanding of value exchange fundamentals and structures, stimulate continuous creativity and entrench optimal management practices through the most relevant and executable strategies.


To be the foremost provider of bespoke and pertinent knowledge content in value exchange, for emerging markets.


Meet the people working behind the scenes to make CCL everything that it is and will come to be.