
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago._ Warren Buffet

Customer Centric Product Conceptualization & Design

In our rapidly changing and connected world where the minimum acceptable standard for any product or service is defined by the slightest delta in consumer behaviour, customer-centricity in product design is paramount. Digital solutions provided by most financial technology firms and financial services organizations are largely homogenous, which leads to the need for an accelerated implementation of products and solutions developed with 'human-centred design' methodologies.

In our world were value and its exchange are generally acknowledged as drivers of commerce growth, “Service is King” is clearly and now more than ever before the more appropriate form of the popular “Customer is King” expression. CCL recognizes that at the heart of enrapturing service delivery is accurate information, data and insightful deduction. Service delivery is a cycle and not necessarily a journey and as such four programs have been designed by CCL to enable partners understand and tell the customer story in the most empathetic way, thereby positioning themselves for a lifetime of success with consumers:

Contextual Constructs Limited service
  • Customer Targeting & Assessment Refinement
  • Customer Terrain Evaluation & Scoping
  • Identification of Pain-points & Opportunities
  • Product Framework Development, Stress Testing