
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago._ Warren Buffet

Financial Literacy & Financial Inclusion Services

Adoption of digital payments should be embedded within lifestyles of individuals and businesses.

Didactic Services

The need for regular and deliberate up-skilling is imperative for continued relevance and long-term success fo...

Turn-Key Payments Strategy Formulation & Digitization Solutions

What is the ideal and effective structure that would build landslide custo...

Customer Centric Product Conceptualization & Design

CCL recognizes that at the heart of enrapturing service deliv...

Why Choose Us

chose us

Seasoned & Experienced, Hands-On Digital Payments Professionals

We are not theorists. Rather, CCL convenes strategists and facilitators with decades of experience in driving the abrupt but welcome changes steadily brought about by the evolutions within the value-exchange realm.


We proactively engage with you pre and post-delivery and are within reach, readily accessible across all channels. Through our broad network of experts and partner organizations we are promptly available for onsite engagements whenever these are deemed most expedient.

Implementation Support

Post delivery implementation support is a standard offer from CCL, plus periodic performance check-ins (for a limited time frame). Our definition of true success is the confirmation that practitioners within partner institutions truly have the know-how and use the resources provided to drive tangible success within their organizations.

Bespoke and Localized Content

The stories that inform our co-creation and solutions development activities are your stories embellished with local experiences and need areas. The methodologies for resolution are global best practices, but constructed for local application, with a bespoke feel that supports your strategy.